Busy Market Schedule and Shows the next two weeks.

Our schedule Today-Thursday 5/20/2021 (Enka/Candler Farmers Market 3-6 pm) https://www.facebook.com/enkacandlertailgatemarket/

Tomorrow-Friday 5/21/2021 (East Asheville Farmers Market 3-6 pm) https://www.facebook.com/EastAshevilleTailgateMarket/

Saturday 5/22/2021 ASAP Saturday Farmers Market A/B Tech (9-Noon) https://asapconnections.org/…/farm…/asap-farmers-market/

Saturday 5/22/2021 Black Mountain Tailgate Market (9-Noon) https://www.facebook.com/BMTMarket?fref=ts

Saturday 5/22/2021 Plant and Dance -Point Health Collective (2 pm-8pm) https://www.facebook.com/events/1356753531368732/?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A%2252%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22[%7B%5C%22surface%5C%22%3A%5C%22share_link%5C%22%2C%5C%22mechanism%5C%22%3A%5C%22share_link%5C%22%2C%5C%22extra_data%5C%22%3A%7B%5C%22invite_link_id%5C%22%3A484419989376950%7D%7D]%22%7D

Sunday 5/23/2021 Roots Hummus Spring Plant Sale (10am-3pm) https://www.facebook.com/events/145241530920563

Tuesday 5/25/2021 West Asheville Tailgate Market (3:30pm-6:30pm) https://www.facebook.com/westashevilletailgate/

Friday thru Sunday 5/28-30/2021 Hendersonville Garden Jubilee Garden Tour (9:00 am-5:00 pm daily). https://www.visithendersonvillenc.org/garden-jubilee

We will be one of the stops on the Tour at Holt Orchard, Come check our of beautiful Japanese maples and over two dozen Fragrant Roses !

April Fools Weather 2021 is no joke !

The cold air is coming…..No April fools joke here…tonight is just the first act down to 32 or so by morning.. on Thursday. Friday morning low will be in the 22-25 degree range. (Record low at the Asheville airport for Friday morning April 2nd is 25 degrees F set in 1924- that my easily be broken. Moved a 150 early budding plants and trees to safety